God to help.
My previous site shows since when I been under scan & under attack.
It shows how I been analyzing what it is while suffering from above waves & rays.
Oh My God Heavenly God.
Facts & Logic are in Danger.
Put me in any religion & I shall win as how God wants.
What! War of extermination? What's the fuck going on! Lie after lie & still going on! In who's law?
This secret weapons been used over me in all times.
Am I speaking world wide peace or not? It's all about Good & Bad.
What type of Islam, Christianity, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindus, Communist & any other religion allowing this to happen?
What type of politics, Government, President, King or Queen & any Diplomatic relations allowing this to happen? What type of a Community, Public relationships, Families with their traditions & Countries allowing this to happen? What type of any country army allowing this to happen? What type of National Security allowing this to happen?
In whose law this still going on? & What is the excuse? Any excuse?
The entire above mentioned are in danger plus history, present & future. Satellite station people doing this to us all. Killing everything even our hope for tomorrow. What a waste of time, money, human destiny & human soul in pain. Satellites & their entire secret weapons along with FBI files been expose to all public by many internet sites to all countries. What a Satan world becomes. So much Danger Umbrella.
The question is: What about GOD? I am a human, what about you? So what is your story?
Would there be any forgiveness once brain shit chat with blames is always there plus hacking from above & Electronic Harassments? Mistakes, cheating & people brains are not the same, Memories always remains! All are God's or all are Satan's. God to help.
Those people who suffered under Electronic Harassments & under people insults, not suppose to be blamed, due to much of pressure on their livings. Those who makes them to suffer shall be blamed for ever. What do you want from me? I even don't have a retiring salary nor medical insurance! Stop fucking with my brain, I hardly surviving. Did I ask to be in this situation? Did I ask for this owner to be something that all wants to share even wit my soul! Or appointing me to something with no revenue nor any profit? Stop shaping me the way you want. What I got to do with any of you all! Wanting me to be involved in anything still! Fuck you all. Go to hell. All of you acting God's or Satanic Networks! for what? In Emirates UAE I also faced such problem as how it is in Jordan now & else where. I don't know with how many countries I'm connected. Stop acting re-acting. Stop fooling your selves. I don't want to be apart of this ashes of yours. Out from my brain.
Those who are doing such a thing to a human soul are Satan & work. They keeps on doing as if they are God. Seek this site to understand everything about those behind the shadows & what they have to take from a human soul by force even. Do they have any excuse?
Welcome to JORDAN.