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 A wonderful question for all to remain

Why people pray?

1- Because they love God & peace.

2- Fear from God.

3- Fear from political & religion troops trappers.

4- Fear from above scanning satellites traps.

5- Fear from Satan & satanic networks traps.

6- Because it is a tradition since a long time back.

7- Fear from terror activities.

8- To share wisdom & believes about God.

9- To pure & clean their souls.

10- To live within national security & protection.


Answer the question please:


In accordance to God & own creation, the entire universe having billions of galaxies & planets. U.F.O “flying saucers” visited our planet Earth several time & still doing so! We have history of clips over the internet & some almost so real! God knows better.


Us we humans, there are bad & there is good in accordance to our nature & believes. Hell & haven, God & Satan. A human brain has good & bad sides of thinking. Who has the right to judge a human inner brain dreaming or thinking? & who keeps on judging over human soul form mankind or from & among us is what? The answer is waste, but for how long? God’s law of creation being played with! No wonder corruptions in all over the world. Aliens can also be as us! Good & bad. They might also believe in God.


Those U.F.O’s has lightning speed to travel, not only in the space between galaxies but also within our planet skies “above our countries”! They hit us with Energy Burst in 2001 “see the clip in my page” & affected our brains to be connected! “Umbrella of electro magnetic covering our planet as shield above all living brains even animals & birds”.


We are having so limited standards of thinking in compare to them! Did we reach to lightning speed? They moves so fast as if a laser pointer creating flying object in the sky to move so fast that cant be blocked by any type of missile!

--- Are they real or not?

--- Are they good or bad?

--- Did they do this to us to create peace or war? For us to care for war or for peace to our selves “Humans” ?

--- Should we fight them or to try to understand them?

--- Is it war of extermination?


God to help us all.

Please give your answers below. Thank you.  

 Friday, March 07, 2014


There were lots of bla bla about electricity bills that they increased the rate, but it was a mistake in the program in the unit rate. The unit rate is the same no changes, I got refunded of the last four months after checking with them. They kept the total amount difference of the four months with them for me JD. 25. I went three different locations in order to adjust this mistake. Thank you Jordan. Back to normal life please, no more mistakes due to virus that can make us misunderstood.

Not all brains are the same & people started to speak about the subject & other subjects, never stops & becoming as a habit on a daily bases.  People speak & people believe! It is fake & faults of all. All are guilty. Photo attached. Virus in the air disturbing us all due to upper satellites. Sky Nets is the virus. Such NASA Package is full of viruses, a human brain & soul should not be ill treated. People brains & computers are under attack. Backing up data is essential along with updated anti virus programs. Strokes & strikes might also effect. Look at high secondary schools marks! And what about brain connections & whispers? All of it is a waste.

I been thinking about it & took a decision to pay JD.50, more JD.10 per month starting 1st Jan 2014 up to end of may 2014 over my rental charge due to the upper case & discussion with the land lord & some whispers that used to hear in previous days & months due to magnetic field. Case is closed. I paid the JD.50 yesterday. I also been told by Elias that there is a law to increase the rental charge %12.5 per renewal of the rent contract & this law between two parties “landlord & the renting person”.

I & Elias tried to work with Mr. Hamorabi with this %12.5 but he did not agree & agreed on by renewing the contract after two years & it’s written in the contract. He paid up to end of April 2014. & I paid up end of April 2014 & still have a balance of JD10 for May 2014 with the landlord along with JD.25 of electricity for March, April, May, June & still living without contract due to friend relationships you know. Now everything is ok. ;-) Having JD.250 Balance with me till end of April 2014, & Elias left to Lebanon yesterday till Sunday evening. I & my land lord are okay now. I gave them a copy of these calculations. I’m working on a fine Gibson big cross with Jesus above & lights built in waiting for you,  it looks so fine so far till it totally gets dry, then I will paint it. Thank you & God Bless.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Satellite scans the indoor human brain & they broadcast in Satellite TV Channels & Radio on the spot of what comes to the indoor human brain & sound matching mixing along with char’s effect to use eyes & mouths of actors & actresses or singers on screen to fool around with human soul. And later on in News Papers as well!

Using block on the brain where ever goes & misusing their secret weapon of NASA Package “Rain Brain Scan, dynamic eyes & tele-transport” zoom with rays & waves from above space sky acting as God’s & involving the surrounding people by tele-transport “input-output data from brain to brains using our skulls & minds to start wondering to start bla bla about each others to create corruptions & to act as God’s as well”.


They can trap us all & they are in command.  Who are they? They are Satellites Net Works. Umbrella of what? In whose law they to do this?

Where is the truth? It is around the globe “world wide” as if war of extermination of all populations of all nations.

I call them Satanic Net Works to scan our pasts, present & our destiny in life. People to scan on people brains as if living in electro magnetic field! God to help us all. They made us to live in fake life. Assuming electronic bomb or some virus of different types in all times took over our brains & bodies. What a slavery & fear (SARS VIRUS) time for us to live in it in the 21st century!


Sneaking into our brains to take our secrets (one brain leads to many brains & so on) & (one for all & all for one) to trap us all from one country to another! To create what? Nice business! Those behind the shadows creating business out of peace & out of war. Do they care for any soul? They also having such secret weapon zoom with rays & waves to use for punishments while they takes everything from the brain by force in the magnetic field that they build on the location of the brain & to involve others with. To create all God’s upon brains! All are guilty in this way & all been trapped. I spoke peace & God law of creation since beginning. God & Peace is two subjects that I been seeking to all. What a Vampire World! Brains of hungers of what?


What talents still they are seeking for? Damn you all look what you did (Ape Planet or Planet of Apes) they fooled us all by also playing with broadcasting in Satellite TV Channels & rumors from many whispers either from above satellites or by brains. Many people believe what they hear! Non stop war in our brains! Thanks to God that we still alive. There are good people & there are bad people. Be aware from the unknown once there are brains sharing. So I put my experience in life to you all in my web site Updates also there of what I’m going through. Still they are active over me. Thursday, March 20, 2014 I call them Satanic Net Works.


And as I said “a human self respect is a national security” but not by force from shit above satellites or shit brains around. I don’t want to trap or to be trapped & I hate politics. No trust in TV screens any more once they are playing with the broadcasting & I only watch movies & musical clips. Misusing such technologies creates what? War of extermination. Such administration are demons & don’t care for any of us or about us (Michel Jackson song “They don’t care about us”).  Plus I’m always home alone been advising all to stop hacking, spying or sharing my thoughts, dreams & ideas. All are thieves & Satan’s or Gods?



البيت بيتك, البيت مش بيتك, طيب خليك بالبيت.


سابق ولاحق.


بقبضة من حديد!


ذلك الشبل من ذلك الأسد!


هده مدرستى!


بعقر داره!


ومن ثم زنجا زنجا دار دار بيت بيت


استعمال الحاسه السادسه = الضباع المضبوعه = فى ناس هيك وهيك!


أين الضمير العربى؟


= عالم النفاق


I saw in Arab TV. Can any deny?

Who cheated on me? Brains & people from surroundings, satellites broadcasting & secret weapon from above. = All guilty.


What a Godless & Satanic network creators to fake everything about the real life. They don’t care about us.


I used to say, lets stop the 3rd world war from happning.


= hyena world. Sixth sense = Waste of brains & time = All are guilty = talented 


ما هي الحاسة السادسة ؟


يمتلك العديد من الأشخاص مهارات خاصة تميزهم عن الآخرين, سواء كانت مهارات جسدية أو مهارات ذهنية, و قد يمتلك بعض الأشخاص مهارات تبدو  أبنها خارقة, و يطلق عليها البعض الحاسة السادسة, بينما لا ينفي البعض وجود مثل هذه الأمور لارتباطها بالعالم الغيبي, و في ما يلي بعض المعلومات التي توضح معنى الحاسة السادسة:




يمكن تعريف الحاسة السادسة على أنها القدرة على رؤية العوالم الخفية و التي لا يمكن إدراكها بحواسنا الاعتيادية,  كما يمكن القول بأن الحاسة السادسة هي القدرة على معرفة أسباب و نتائج الظواهر الطبيعية التي لا يوجد لها تفسير مادي أو علمي, و في الواقع يوجد أسماء أخرى أو أوجه أخرى للحاسة السادسة, و منها الاستبصار و الحدس و الإيحاء.


كيف يمكن إدراك و معرفة العالم الخفي ؟


من المعروف أن الطريقة التي يدرك بها الإنسان العالم المحسوس, هي عن طريق الحواس الخمس التي يملكها, و لكن عندما يكون الأمر متعلق بالعالم الخفي, أو عالم الغيب, فإن الطريقة التي يدرك بها الإنسان مختلفة تماما,  حيث تعتمد هذه القدرة  على العقل الخفي (اللاواعي), كما  و يوجد هناك ما يدعى بلإدراك الخفي الذي يوجد له أوجه مختلفة, مثل الوحي و الأحلام ….. الخ, و كمثال بسيط, يمكن للمرء أن يحمل زهرة و يشم رائحتها بكل بساطة, و لكن هناك حالات يمكن للمرء أن يشم رائحة الزهرة دون وجودها, و يفسر الباحثين هذا الموضوع, بأن كل مرء يمتلك خمس حواس خفية غير تلك المادية, و في حالة المثال فأنه يتم شم الزهرة عن طريق الحاسة الخفية المقابلة لحاسة الشم, و يعتقد بأن الأشخاص لا يمكنهم أن يمتلك هذه القدرات أو الحاسة السادسة دون أن يتم تفعيلها في داخله.


كيف يمكن تفعيل و تطوير الحاسة السادسة ؟


لتوضيح الموضوع بشكل بسيط يمكن تشبيه إدراك عالم الغيب بالتلفاز, حيث لا يمكن للتلفاز عرض  أي صورة دون أن يتم وصله بلاقط إشارة, مع العلم أن قنوات التلفزة تقوم بالبث على مدار الساعة, و لكن عند توصيل التلفاز بلاقط الإشارة يبدأ بالعرض, و يصادف أحيانا أن يوجد بعض التشويش في استقبال الإشارة فيحتاج المرء لتحريك اللاقط لتحسين الاستقبال, و كذلك يمكن وصف عالم الغيب و الحاسة السادسة, بأنه دائم الوجود من حولنا و لكننا لا نمتلك القدرات المطلوبة لإدراكه, و لتفعيل هذه القدرات و تطويرها, يفترض بالمرء أن يمارس بعض التمرينات المتعلقة بالروحانيات, عن طريق إيقاظ الجانب الروحاني من الإنسان و البدء بإدراك عالم الغيب,  فكلما أقترب الشخص من الروحانية كلما زادت قدرته على إدراك عالم الغيب.


الحاسة السادسة في الرجل و المرأة


بشكل عام تمتلك المرأة  قدرات روحانية أو قدرات على إدراك عالم الغيب أكثر من ما يمتلكه الرجل, و يعود السبب في ذلك  إلى طبيعة المرأة, فهي تعتمد على الحدس أكثر من المنطق و العقلانية, بينما يميل الرجل و بشكل كبير, للجانب المادي و العقلانية.


كيف تحفز حواس الأطفال الرضع


كيف تقوي حاسة الشم؟


حقائق قد لا تعرفها عن حاسة الذوق


ما قد لا تعرفه عن حاسة الشم                                                         


 Sixth sense = some uses to cheat, some uses to bla bla, some uses to investigate, some uses to sexual feelings, some uses to fuck around, some uses to please some one, some uses to laugh at some one, some uses to fool around, some uses to insult, some uses to freak around, some uses to fight, some uses to shout, some uses to boom boom with some sounds using an hard items or car bleeper's, some uses to shout to stop all,  some uses to punish! All of this for what? Whispers Madness virus in the air & in skulls caused by whom? Other than TV. Other than electric shocks from above satellites! Media can be played with. Madness in the air. Becoming a habit? All God's or all satanic networks? Where is a new day? = terror activities = virus took over in all brains. = Satan business. DANGER. Some one has to speak peace & home land. If God loves   me, should I hate God? God loves us all! Let us live in peace.   

Are we living in a Hollywood planet? All actors & actresses!


They create a world of whispers for nation to live in no where to go, no where to hide.


Creating illusion to mix with reality. Mistakes to take over. Business to whom?


Which is better business? God, peace & business with.   =   Fact & Logic.

I hate wastage.

 ©   By: N.Z Polaski       Monday, August 25, 2014

 Just imagine

Just imagine, a country with total brain mixer, using their brains with the sixth since other than electronic radiation field that connects much of brains to a brain or much of brains. This country naturally will be country of viruses, sick brains which leads to sick bodies. Apes, satanic networks & troops from location to another. Satellites above scan & develop madness in the air as well by reaching to a location to record voices & shove the recorded voices to another location. Other than misusing their F.B.I package or NASA package (Rain brain scan, dynamic eyes & tele-transport) over a human brain & to play with the brain by different Ray's & waves other than surrounding brains using their own brains as the package above. Using the same words all the time from outer space for their people "population to keep on repeating the same words that they hear, look at children for example, behaving as apes. Some adults also the same & teaching the same to their own children. Welcome to Jordan.

We are dealing with such situation since the year of 2000 & even before. Brains connected with TV broadcasting to all houses also creates madness to many people. It's type of electronic war. Creating Apes & satanic brains. The administration of satellites can scan on any location brains & brains as if can do the same. Who is the judge & who is the prisoner? In this way all the same. Dark side of a brain & the good side of the brain. War & peace all the time, no where to go & no where to hide for all. What it is? A conscious  punishment! In who's law? This is Satan work over mankind. Out of curiosity they misusing their shit Satellites & shit brains. It is the real life they are playing with assuming a movie, or a virus. What type of country should we call it? Kingdom of dummy heads! While all are witnesses!


Life is too short to live in danger & in anger. A human life does not exceed a million hours! Nerve human system is under attack, even while dreaming or thinking or remembering, other than that voices reaches to the brain from upper satellites to keep on blaming or torturing or playing with waves & rays. Strokes & strikes from above as well!


Any body against me? I wish all to suffer & all their pasts to be opened as how all been doing to me. All wants to be God's over my soul or Satan's! What a type of brains I should call them. Are they qualified to be called humans those I'm surrounded by? All scans on me! For what? All exercising on me! All is everything! What about me for being me for me! Do I need such a think to happen to all? Who should have a self respect? They are so many & I'm alone! This creates what? Everything about me& endless subjects! If I ask any of them, what do you want from me? What any of them to answer? Should I ask while all knowing what is going on! Some wish me good & some wish me bad! Other than that, some wants my sex with brain sharing! Neither privacy nor secrecy for me! Who wish to be put in this situation of mine? Did all forgot about God & peace?

Should I keep on fighting them all for God existence & peace for all over the world? A single human cant take this much suffering alone as if all against! My peace mission is accomplished by contacting you all! Apps should have learned by now. What amazes me is those who keeps doing it to me & not letting others to learn! I'm doing this almost daily since the year of 2000 due to shit heads not wanting to understand. Should I suffer for them & for their children or suffer by them? I had enough from such a nation that create wastage of time, sorrow & pain. All are guilty. Jungle life! Isn't this danger to all families & to their future, if this yet to go on? Why wastage? I hate wastage. I hate political. I hate Satan. I hate war. I hate traps. I hate blame. I hate apes. I hate cheaters. I hate misunderstandings. I hate Satan & satanic & loves God & peace.

I'm suffering for what? Who is bad now? All concentrating on my brain as if all are without sins or mistakes! All are clean! With out sins or pasts! I did not kill any body in my life & yet to be killed on a daily bases? & by whom? Or to live in a fear virus for ever! Gangsters all over! Let go & stop fucking around with a human soul. I am a human, what about any of you? Any of you going to compensate me for my wasted years? Creating SARS VIRUS (Fear Virus)? God remains the greatest.


Sept the 11th (America under attack), or nine eleven (911) would it be the same? America & Jordan played such game to create a war against all religions. All countries been playing in this type of field. Voices from Jordan to the U.S.A & vice versa from different brains to a brain. U.A.E, Kuwait, P.L.O, Jordan, Egypt, Israel & all different Nationalities from all over the world & their embassies as well total involved in U.S.A & Al Qeeda of Arabs problem.


The question is What about God's law of creation? What about United Nation opinion & act? Playing with media broadcasting to all world wide faking them for what? What is real & what is not? Soul punishment to many brains! For much of brains to have a nice entertainments at all times? In who's law? All are Sinners & mistake holders for life. I leave all to their own God & want to be lifted to my own God.  All are guilty in the law of God & in the of all religions. Who created such a miss that lasted for several years to many families? The question is: The budget to whom? Who's winning & who's loosing. Well, this is the subject. Many brains are in each others ass wholes.


This type of life creates so many misunderstandings & danger to all. A human self respect is a national security. My life in Jordan, when I remember, all were faking me, trapping me, punishing me, & creating me war even while I'm dreaming. All are Satan's acting God's. Zionists, killers & there God is so much angry on them all.


Such type of people is Godless, religion less, pre Muslims & pre Christians that I am surrounded by. The question is: the local authority doesn't have such brains? So a full community is creating wastage to all & to everything good in life!


What a virus that attacking all of us. Who is the teacher & who is the student? Most of the time I'm living in anger mode due to shit brains that I'm attacked by! Getting angry when I hear them speaking about me as if they are God's. Such brains deserve the punishment & not me. Plus I'm not Jesus or Mohammed or Moses. I am a human under attack by Apes, demons, assassins, rumors, terrorists & Ugliest shit nature behavior of mankind. They want to make a movie, a business? Over a human punished soul! Should any human agree with? The question is: What about History of all countries? Should we trust! Or all of it is fake? That is the subject & not me. Fuck you shit surrounding & shove your brains into each others Ass wholes. Not trusting in God leads to such war of extermination. So I been calling for God & Peace & yet to be under attack! All wanting? Who is going to give to such hunger brains of shit.


Their sixth since in each others, some thinking they can use it to steal, to create subject, to judge, to create anything for others to have fun upon a human soul. Facts & logic still they are playing with, All God's. May the lord God to curse their souls. They the ones who need to be punished, not me. In this neighborhood there are thefts, lies, cheaters, self cheaters, haters, wasters, rumors, whispers, brain scanners, listeners to my inner thinking on a daily bases, troubles, corrupted brains, pretenders as actors or actresses, pretending by holding any religion while doing so!,  bla, bla, bla  creators! & much of them. Mobile messages, tracers, trackers, trappers & hunters as well! For how long? All wants to be proud while it is a curse!


I been punished by Apes & Satan's on a daily bases for many years. Children also a problem, my question is where is their parents, elder brothers & elder sisters to teach them how to behave? What a home land that not allowing my soul to live in peace even indoor at home or house or flat! All are involved. There is a King, Queen for this Kingdom & their families. I got nothing to do with any of any of local people. My family members been insulted by media broadcasting as well! What! Under attack by everything! God to protect me from evil work (living in it for many years) (nerve war!). Get lost shit brains, creating danger to me! Creating me shit facts & shit logic in real life!  There are movies & songs from all over the world describing everything about such situation! What about Arab University? (Nile Sat & Arab Sat) TV in all houses. All countries are broadcasting over satellites. What about United Nations?


My life gone on waste & thanks to whom? I only wanted to live as a family man living in a normal life! As I been saying since the year of 2001! Who needs lecturing now? Me or you? I been left alone to live under so much pain for what? Wasting a human soul by Apes & Satan's! For what? In which law? Satanic network creating Umbrella of what? All got talented by what? By sixth since! & they don’t know that it is the field which been created by the above satellites is doing to us all! Should we call them talented people due to the influence of satellites (helping them to go straight to hell!)? Are all happy now? What about history? All fake!


All are puppets & one bait? Or one puppet & all baits? One for all & all for one!

Mr. George Bush (U.S.A president) been explaining it to all since Sept 11th, 2001. This is the Umbrella. We don’t want a 3rd world war. A war of extermination! Exterminating what? Get lost shit satellites & shit brains. God remains the greatest at all times. Stop focusing on me & don’t interfere in my life. Learning from me & me yet to be punished by you? Who wants to live this type of life as mine? Memories remains & history remains. Should any of you to fake my life or my feelings? A human soul been punished & wasted by whom? That is the question? What a movie (rise of the apes "Caesar" or planet of the apes) that we watch over TV screen. TV also real & fake broadcasting.

Electronic programs also playing & interfering in broadcasting! Stop it shit heads (elusion & hysteria creators) & let go. Stop insulting me at all times. What a life of danger & at all times? Sneakers & seekers! even while I'm home alone! In door alone! Surrounded by brains to non stop hacking on me! Zion's & Zionism all are. Slaves to whom? What about visions?


Nice cold war? Is history recording all the above mentioned?


Study encyclopedia


A magic in the air! Or a virus in the air or our inner voices in the air or to brains (electro magnetic radiation field)? Non stop bla, bla, bla creation & at all times. This is the big issue we are living in it as Mr. George Bush said: (They looked at small issue & forgot the big one!). Welcome to Jordan or to our world wide countries! Planet Earth. God did create the entire universe & not only Planet Earth. Sky nets is the virus. Thank you.

                                          By: Nabil Zegord Konz Kurt Polaski                                                          

December 8th, 2014



For what those two below https in Facebook site? Am I lucky?